Friday, July 6, 2012


OK, the 500 Calorie Protocol did not work. However, I am on a juice fast, and I combined it with the protocol, and I am slowly losing weight. This is my fifth day, and I have lost about 4 pounds. My fast goal is is ten day, and ten pounds.

There is a real possibility that I will make it. One things that I realize is that I do not crave chips or cookies. I can bake cookies for the kids, or sit by a bowl of chips and feel nothing.

When I smell meat, I salivate. yesterday my boys walked away from roasted chicken sandwiches and I wanted to eat the meat. I have eaten a few kidney beans to help with the cravings, nuts don't help.

In any case, it feels good to see the scale going back down. I don't know how I managed to gain so much weight.  I hope that this fast helps me reset my palate and my insulin levels.

If you want more information,

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day Four -147.5

Yesterday my scale read, 146.8. This scale was unreliable, so I switched to my old scale that gives BMI.
The new scale read 147.5.

The location of the scale seems to impact the reading. My floor is obviously not level.  From now on I am going to weigh in at the same location.

I am not feeling much different. I am less bloated than Friday, but other than that, nothing.I have been drinking a lot of tea. I am sure that the honey is causing my insulin levels to spike.

Since this cold is almost over, I am switching back to lemon water tomorrow, instead of drinking tea. I have to watch those carbs.

Overall, I would say that nothing is happening. Four days of this stuff and no progress.


Friday, June 22, 2012

How did this happen. I was 96 pounds when i was married. I keep gaining weight.
I know it is stress related. I am going to get rid of the white foods - pasta, cereals, etc.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

500 Calorie Protocol - 150

OK, so I am a little desperate. I have gained 24 pounds in 6 years. I bought the 500 calorie protocol, and we shall see how it works.

Last summer was the worst. I tend to eat mindless when the kids are around. Now it is summer again, and the kids are around again.

Day 1

I ate chicken soup at 4:30. Now I am taking the drops.
5:39 pm
It does taste pretty bad, like booze mixed with pepper and herbs and a touch of celery.
You will need tons of water to wash the taste out of your mouth.
My scale says 150.8, but it is late in the day. I have three weeks until vacation and I want to lose at least 15 pounds.

I need to exercise. I guess I will go for a walk.

No walk - but suddenly I feel hungry.

Day 2, I am sick and I had my second dose. I am not hungry, but I am forcing myself to eat.
I am having oatmeal and sunflower seeds.

I have had quite a bit off tea.  The taste is growing on me, actually it isn't but I will take it if it will help me lose weight.

This morning the scale read: 148

I haven't lost weight, it is just earlier in the day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

End of Summer Bash - Rainier Community Center

"Come join us for Bouncy House fun, back yard games and a wonderful
BBQ feast. Enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, watermelon and other yummy food. Bring
your family, make new friends and laugh the day away as you play.
Wednesday, August 31,  4 - 7:30 pm
Activity Fee: BBQ is $3; games and bouncy houses are free."

Bingo and BBQ

Jefferson Community Center is hosting a Bingo Bar-B-Q
No charge for BINGO; it is FREE to play.
Food: $4.00

There will be prizes available for the

August 19, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Juggling for Kids!

The International District Community Center is hosting a free juggling event.
Friday, August 19,11 am - Noon